Thursday, December 6, 2012

Article # 99. Leg Raise Excercises

Benefits of Leg Raise Excercises
Leg raises can be performed while lying on the floor, while hanging from a chinup bar, or a raised curve bar. Each one provides you with different benefits but all will increase the strength and definition you see in your lower abdominal muscles. None are easy to perform for beginners or those with under-developed abs but with time and repetition, you'll see excellent results.
Abdominal and Core Muscles

The lower abdominal muscles are the primary muscle group to benefit from leg raises. Hanging leg raises fatigue lower and upper abdominal muscles while floor leg raises primarily benefit the lower abdominals. Repetition of both exercises can increase the strength and definition that you see in your abs and the control that you have over your core muscles. Changing the position of your legs from bent to straight can shift the focus of the exercise and address different abdominal muscles.

Lower Back Muscles

Regular performance of leg raises can lower your risk for back injuries, back pain and back strain while performing other exercises or routine activities. Though back muscles are not the focus of the exercise, any abdominal and core exercises work to provide increased support for the back. Because the lower abdominals are the focus of leg raises, these exercises also support the lower back and increase your flexibility and strength.

Grip Strength

Grip strength is only a benefit of leg raises when they are performed by hanging from a chin-up bar or when you support yourself on a raised curve bar. Hanging raises require you to support the weight of your entire body with your hands during the exercise, while supported leg raises using a curve bar allow you to use your grip for balance and support.

Hip Flexors

All types of leg raises increase the flexibility, agility, and strength of the hip flexors. Both bent knee and straight leg raises require hip joint movement. If you have bad hips or arthritis, it may be necessary to speak to your doctor about your limitations and receive guidance on how best to perform this exercise.
 Having said above this abdominal exercise can also be done with a flat bench or on the floor using an exercise mat.  The lower region of the rectus abdominus is the primary focus of this ab exercise.

How to do the Abdominal Leg Raise
  1. Lie on the floor with back flat to the floor and place your hands beside you or straight behind your head.  If using a flat bench, place your hands behind you holding onto the bench.
  2. Keeping your legs straight, raise your legs as high as possible.  Use your abdominal muscles and not momentum.  If needed, bend knees slightly.  For increased challenge, at the top of the move also lift your hips off the ground to really work the lower abs.
  3. Slowly lower your legs to starting position, inhaling as you return to the start position and exhaling as your raise your legs.
  4. Repeat this move for 8 to 15 repititions.
Note:  If you feel pressure or pain in your lower back, bend your knees until you feel more comfortable.  Be sure to keep you back flat and don't let it arch.
To Know about V Leg Crunches Please click Link

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