Sunday, October 20, 2013

Article # 556. Foods that cause Bloating

1. Cruciferous Vegetables: These veggies, including broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus are harder for the body to break down. This can cause gas and bloating. These veggies are great for you but eat in moderation to avoid bloating.
2. Beans, Beans, beans, the magical fruit.. I’m sure you know the rest. Beans are very good for you but they often cause bloating. Best to eat small amounts with something that is easy to digest like quinoa or whole grains rice.
3. Salty Foods: A diet high in salt will cause you to retain water. Avoid salty foods such as chips, salty snacks, breads, (see my list of healthy carb substitutions) and ready-made meals.
4. Fatty Foods: Words such as “rich” or “fried” avoid at all cost to beat bloat.

5. Dairy: If you have trouble digesting lactose, the sugar contained in milk, make sure to avoid dairy.

6. Apples, Pears, Peaches: Both have a lot of fiber, which is why they are great fruits to eat, but too much fiber can  upset your tummy. Instead try peeling them or only eat half.

7. Gum and Hard Candy: Causes you to chew or suck, swallow extra air. Also many contain artificial sweeteners that are hard for your body to digest.

8. Carbonated Drinks: This means all bubbly drinks including soda, sparkling water, beer, and yes, champs too.

9. Alcohol: Makes you retain water and swell. Especially in your face so watch out!!


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