Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Article # 56. About me

“I am dedicating this Site to Almighty GOD"

I  started my fitness training as only a passing time, without any knowledge about the exercises and the importance of health. By the grace of God, the interest towards the health and fitness, got attracted to me and I started believing that I can achieve the target I was desiring and which resulted to me the weight loss of about 30 kg’s in a short span with a healthy way (From Obesity to Slimness). Refer my weight loss testimony from the “Article # 55 My Weight Loss Testimony”. 

“I can’t“s into “I can“s,”.  My weight loss success was the key for me to focus towards the health and fitness, and was keen on learning the techniques in depth. With the help of fitness experts and self-interest I experimented in my own with the various intense & diet programs.

Moti­va­tion is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going.

Having said in title description, I am pas­sion­ate about fit­ness and help­ing oth­ers becomes as pas­sion­ate. My focus is always on help­ing oth­ers to under­stand how to adopt health, fit­ness and a nutrient-rich clean eating diet as a lifestyle rather than a quick fix.

I believe that success and real body trans­for­ma­tions are cause and effect; a result of time, hard work, edu­ca­tion about health and fitness and dis­ci­pline, rather than an ever-growing cor­po­rate gym pocket. I am seri­ous about the impor­tance of a holis­tic healthy lifestyle: bal­anc­ing stay­ing active, eat­ing right, and turn­ing “I can’t“s into “I can“s. I believe firmly in per­sonal integrity, prac­tic­ing what I preach, set­ting goals often, no mat­ter how big or small, because goals moti­vate, and moti­va­tion plus edu­ca­tion equal success!

Also this blog or my motto is not to make money or any other business aspects. My aim is to purely educate and feed the importance of health and wellness. In other words it could be a new era of social service for the people those who are suffering from Obesity, Diabetes, Skinniness, Stress, Hyper tensions etc. to change their sedentary stages to active lifestyle. As a good will gesture, I will be conducting events & health awareness programs visiting the orphanages, cancer institutes, obesity programs & with the general public during the following days, April 18th, June 4th & July 6th every year.

I’m pas­sion­ate about eat­ing right to achieve and main­tain my fit­ness goals, to pro­vide my body with the nutri­ents it needs for energy, a healthy immune sys­tem, and a life of good health. What you put in your body (what, how much, how often) will make or break your fit­ness goals. Yes, reg­u­lar exer­cise is essen­tial, but let’s be hon­est. You’re likely only get­ting 6 –7 hours of sweat-sessions per week. So what’s going on dur­ing the other 165 hours? Lots of eat­ing!

REMEMBER: You cannot out-train a bad diet. Exer­cise alone is never enough to see real body trans­for­ma­tion. Know­ing how to change your eat­ing habits is really what will change your life. This is why I stress nutri­tion edu­ca­tion with all of my friends, colleagues & others.

That said, fit­ness should also be fun! Find your pas­sion or what gets you excited and moti­vated to move! Start think­ing about what your fit­ness goals are, but more impor­tantly, why do you want to get there? Clar­ity in the ‘why’ gives you more power in your ded­i­ca­tion and keeps you moti­vated.

And finally, but most impor­tantly, I thank God for His grace, and the gifts of tal­ent and oppor­tu­nity as well as drive and moti­va­tion He has blessed me with. Always remember…

“I can do any­thing through Him who gives me strength.”–Phil. 4:13

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