Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Article # 58. Fitness and Exercise Tips (Topic 1)

Fitness and Exercise Tips (Topic 1)

Add Cross Training to your exercise regimen

Cross-training involves two or more types of exercises performed in one workout or used alternately in successive workouts. Athletes and individuals who engage in cross training experience less risk of injury because the muscles are not subjected to the same action and stress on the joints and muscles that occur from repetitive movements of a single activity. The conditioning that cross training provides for core muscles and secondary muscles in different workouts prevents injury because the body is able to respond to a variety of movements.

Abdominal Workouts

Proper technique is key for safe and effective abdominal workouts. One must lift and lower in a slow, controlled manner and never use momentum. Focus should be on contracting the abdominals as you slowly roll your shoulders up off the floor. This should be accompanies with exhaling as you contract and inhaling as you release.

Fat vs Muscle

A pound of fat burns about 2 calories a day while a pound of muscle burns approximately 35 to 50 calories a day. So get rid of the fat and increase your muscle through exercise, especially muscle conditioning/weight training activity. It is the best way to stay in shape!

What is Interval training?

Interval training rotates between a period of high and moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise or weight training, recommended to facilitate fat burning and fuel your metabolism. If you can't work at higher intensities, work at lower intensities for 30 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week.

The importance of rest and recovery

Weight training is key to achieving muscular health. During your strength-training workout, microscopic tears occur within the myofibrils. As these tears repair, the number and size of myofibrils inside the muscle fibers increases. For this reason, good nutrition and rest days between your weight training workouts are vital to help recuperate the body.

Some weight training and exercise is better than nothing

Studies show that even one day a week of total body strength training gives you 70% of the benefits of an individual who did the same routine three times a week. You must work to momentary muscular failure in 30 to 90 seconds on each exercise, but no more than one set is necessary per exercise. As little as one hour of cardio per week has been shown to reduce heart disease.

Working out at home vs the gym

We know that some people find it easier to stick to a home-based fitness program due to the convenience and lack of intimidation. In spite of all the hype on trendy exercise programs and facilities, the “best” program for you is the one you will participate in consistently. Both have their advantages and disadvantages so try out both.

Making time for exercise

·         Schedule your exercise time, put it in your calender and try to stick to it.
·         If you can't find a full 30 or 60 minutes during your day, break it up into 10 or 20 minute segments.
·         Get up a few minutes early and take a brisk walk, use 15 minutes of your lunch hour to walk, walk the dog or lift weights after work.
·         Keep a diary with your workouts so you can track your progress and stay motivated.

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